Golf Biomechanics Instructor Training lev. 1 - Dr.Kwon
L'attività di formazione internazionale di Montecchia Golf Accademy continua il 10 e 11 marzo 2016 con il seminario Golf Biomechanics Instructor Training - Level 1, tenuto dal Dr. Young-Hoo Kwon, guru mondiale della biomeccanica appliacata al golf, docente di Kinesiologia e biomeccania presso la Texas Woman's University di Denton, TX, USA.
Get the chance to learn from golf biomechanics expert Dr Young-Hoo Kwon in a two-day seminar at Golf della Montecchia - Selvazzano Dentro (Pd).
The event is being hosted on Thursday, March 10 and Friday, March 11 and offers a rare opportunity to explore the teachings of Dr Kwon who is professor of biomechanics at Texas Women’s University in Dallas.
Dr. Kwon’s - Golf Biomechanics Instructor Training Level 1
Day 1
> 8:30‐9:00a Registration
> 9:00‐10:20a Introduction
> 10:30a‐12:20p Basic mechanical concepts
> 12:30‐1:30p Lunch
> 1:30‐2:50p Golfer’s body
> 3:00‐4:20p Linear kinematics
> 4:30‐5:50p Functional swing plane
Day 2
> 9:00‐10:20a Angular kinematics
> 10:30a‐12:20p Kinetics 1
> 12:30‐1:30p Lunch
> 1:30‐3:20p Kinetics 2
> 3:30‐4:00p Summary and closing